Sunday, May 22, 2011

Three Small Towns in Oklahoma

Yesterday I visited three small towns on my trip to see my granddaughter's school program. These once thriving communities are now quiet and all but abandoned. Boynton, Oklahoma is east of Okmulgee and Morris and west of Muskogee. I think a train once passed that way carrying loads of coal from Henryetta to Muskogee. 
The remains of a cotton gin greeted me as I entered the town from the north as well as a curious tall building that might have served as an office.

The gin is self deflating, like a giant amusement park ride. Its sheet metal is rusting and falling in.

I passed a post office and some old brick buildings that were all that remained of the downtown main street. The bricks were likely made in the Boynton Brick Factory. Most of the windows were out.The brickwork was nice but sadly far from restored.

 Parts and pieces had been modernized and were housing offices.

This one lost its back wall and all the windows.

 I couldn't tell what this had been, perhaps a hamburger place.

An old stone barn that can be seen through the trees across a field. 

A cemetery north west of Boynton had two signs. 

Roses bloomed at the site of home that had burned.

Boynton is the hometown of a famous Christian songwriter,
Dennis Jernigan.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed your piece in our latest really sorta described me :-).
    And I too enjoy photographing our great state!

